domingo, 15 de enero de 2017

Post ten

Dear all, 

As you know, this is the last post for this english course.
I have personally enjoyed getting to know you a little more from your posts, and also I've seen your development :)

Today's topic is:

English Language Challenges

As we finish this semester, you'll notice that from now on it will either become easier, or much more difficult to keep on learning english. I say this because academically, you won't be using english as much, and also because if you decide not to continue practising, you'll probably forget some of the things you've already learnt. Now, if you do want to speak english, as a professional tool, a personal goal, or even for specific purposes related to your personal life, you'll have a chance to do new things with english. Read magazines related to your workfield? or maybe join conversation clubs, you name it. Now, tell me about your thoughs!

Resultado de imagen para english language challenge
Some questions that can guide your post are:

> What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university? What about the use of blogs?
> What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
> Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

- Wordcount: 260
- Make comments on 3 of your partners' posts.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2017

Post nine

Hello everyone!

We're already ending ending this semester, today's post is a special one.
That's because you'll write about the changes that you'd do to your program. 

Alright, here it goes!
Write about some changes that could be made to your study programme (career)

Among others, think about:

Resultado de imagen para dance students meme

> The curriculum (the subjects you have to study)
> Workload and length of studies
> Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
> Use of technology
> Teaching methods

Imagen relacionada
- Word Count: 250
- Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts.

domingo, 1 de enero de 2017

Post eight

Hello everybody!

This week's post is the last one of the ones we chose in the beginning of the semester.

The topic may be complicated but I'll open it a bit, since I'd like everyone to be able to express their ideas about this.

Birds of Chile (and the world).

First, I must say that I was very surprised when we elected the topics and you came up with this idea, and not only you mentioned it, you voted for it! I wondered why such a topic would be of interest for dancers, but then I realized all of you are humanists, so I bet nature is something you enjoy very much.

Personally, I became interested in chilean birds when I first saw a loica! its scientific name is Sturnella loyca, and they can be seen in many places around the city of Santiago. 

Resultado de imagen para sturnella loyca
The reddish color above the stomach is one of the things that make these birds unique.

Another bird that I love, is a neighbor of mine: Athene cunicularia, AKA Pequén.
I say we're neighbors because where I live there is a couple of 'Pequenes' using a rabbit's old hole to bring up their hatchlings. Whenever I go near the entrance of the ex-rabbit's hole, they both get angry and they start making sounds so I 'get scared' and leave their babies live and grow peacefully underground. 

Resultado de imagen para athene cunicularia Resultado de imagen para athene cunicularia
The white line above its eyes is one of their characteristics. 

So that's about me, now it's your turn to tell me about the birds you like!
It can be about any chilean or foreign birds, also you can mention anything related to birds, music, cartoons, poetry or even dances related with them!

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on my post.
- Minimum Word Count: 260 words
- Remember: NO TRANSLATOR! web dictionaries are allowed, and of course you can call me and I'll go to your seat.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2016

Post seven

Hello Everyone!

We're already in the seventh post of this semester, I know you're probably tired at this time of the year, so I'll invite you to think about something different:

A place where you would like to live, and why.

Maybe the city you live in right now has all kinds of different things to do, exciting activities, beautiful places and lots of people to meet and enjoy, but for this post I would like you to write about a place that maybe is in your dreams, a place with the weather you love, or maybe a place where you can live near people you miss.

Resultado de imagen para throwing a dart mapamundi

Whatever it is, tell me about it in this post!
Write 250 words about a place where you would like to live.

These questions can help you guide this post:

Would you like to live in a new place? or a place you've already visited?
Is the place you chose suitable for your type of work?
What makes you want to live there?
Would you live there alone? with a couple? or with your family?

Add any details that you think are important.

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Video nº2

Dear all,

As I mentioned in class, here I'm posting the details for your second video recording. The deadline to turn this work in is December 30th.

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

Post six

Movies or series you like.

For this post, you'll be able to develop your ideas about your favorites movies or series.The idea is to write about what you like watching in general, but of course you can mention anything you like, for example: cartoons, anime, soap operas, tv series, docummentaries or movies!

I'll briefly tell you about some of my favorites :)

Resultado de imagen para fight club
"You met me at a very strange time in my life." Fight club, 1999.

This is probably one of my favorite movies of all time, at least one I'd re watch and would still be enjoyable. I won't tell you what it is about because.. well, because of the first rule of the fight club!
If you saw this, you know what I mean. This is probably an intense and deep movie for some people, but that's not the only type of styles I like.

I'll tell you about one of my top 5 series! it's called The office and it was the US version of a show with the same name produced earlier in the UK. It's a mockumentary (it's filmed as if it was a real documentary) and it narrates the story of a group of common office workers. It even had a Chilean version, La Ofis, in Canal 13, which only lasted one season but was very well done. It had one of my favorite Chilean actors as protagonist: Luis Gnecco

Resultado de imagen para the office cast Resultado de imagen para Luis Gnecco manuel cerda

There are many many other shows I've watched and liked! some recommendations I'd give you are:
True Detective, Game of Thrones, Lost, Fringe, How I met your mother, Friends, Daredevil, Weeds, Breaking bad, and Orange is the new black

Now it's your time!
Tell me about your favorite series, or movies, or basically anything you like watching!!

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on my post.
- Minimum Word Count: 240 words
- Remember: NO TRANSLATOR! web dictionaries are allowed, and of course you can call me and I'll go to your seat.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Post five

Even though I know some of you like to live in the moment, and don't plan ahead your futures, today's post will make you think of your future plans for this summer's holiday. 

Would you vacation in chile or abroad?
Who would you like to visit?
What activities would you do?
Is there any place you would like to visit?
What types of food would you prefer?

Resultado de imagen

Please don't tell me you'll stay in the whole summer

Resultado de imagen

On my personal side, I can't really tell you what I'm doing this summer vacation, because I don't know where I'll live by then. I'm currently waiting for an answer from the owner of the place I rent, and if he says yes, I'll probably buy the land and start building my greenhouse.
If that doesn't work, I'll probably have to find a new place to live, and that would mean that I won't be able to go anywhere.
I'll still go to the desert for a week or so, no matter what happens!

So, think about what you would love to do this summer holidays and write about it in 230 words!